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[Autumn Leaves] NOTD + indoor season + hidden bun

Salutare, hola, ciao, hello, hallo, bonjour, नमस्ते, helló, halo, olá, привет, tebrik, 的问候语 tuturor!
I just said hello in almost all the languages those ​​follow my blog. Glad to see you all!
@scheduled post/ postare programata
Astazi va prezint inca un proiect la care am lucrat cu tematica de toamna. Am adunat cateva poze de design interior al peretilor potrivite pentru acest sezon. Un stil cuminte prin culoare, dar indraznet prin infatisare. Va prezint de asemenea si o manichiura ce reprezinta schimbarea frunzelor in haine de toamna si o coafura foarte simpla (Dia s-a aratat interesata) de facut si de purtat in orice sezon. Stiti voi, de la postarea aceasta.
final result: mine and my niece hands
closer [open in new tab to zoom in]
some nail polishes I've used
pe langa manichiura, puteti vedea in detaliu peretele

gradient, sponge technique & detaliu rama tablou

first I use a Peggy Sage calcium gel & essence cookie love(1 coat each)

Indoor design
my temporary "playground" & bedroom in autumn style
Tabloul si toata partea din spatele patului sunt facute la mana si pensula.
Toate acele umbre sunt facute din var special, se gaseste la galetuse, facute de un cumnat(hehe am multi)!
Lucreaza in tara dar si in afara, de obicei prin recomandari, deci daca aveti nevoie, momentan e in Galati.
mai e putin si nepotica mea incepe scoala, de fapt ambele fetite, si pana atunci mai sta cu mine. vedeti ce activitati avem: concursuri de desenat, rapid!
lustra este galbena, in caz ca va intrebati, iar restul mobilierului sunt in culorile patului.

Hidden bun in three steps
The final result. I made a sign at my niece to keep silence  (6 years old).

first step: make a ponytail

2nd: like this, slightly not too tight

3rd: under tail push the hair bound up like this

tadaa, super easy!

as not be seen the elastic you can fix more to the inside with a hair clip.

I wear it just like that, to more support use one or how many hair clip you need.

when I discovered/experienced myself at first time the hairstyle

Today I have for you a notd inspired by nature and other cute stuff, like: how to decorate your room in earthy tones inspired by autumn. Some Romanian beauty bloggers came up with a project names “Autumn Leaves”. I love this kind of projects, so I couldn’t say no to this one either. 

Please check out my colleagues' blogs.
Vedeti ce au facut si blogurile celorlalte fete si pentru mine va fi o surpriza:

I hope you’ve liked this post. For any questions, requests or/and critics, please don’t hesitate to contact me using the comment section below or my email addresses. I'll answer on your comments when I come back from my new apartment where I'll prepair for the final movement.


  1. Prima poza este superba! Imi place oja de la essence.

  2. foarte frumoasa coafura.. :D si imi place mult peretele in haine de toamna.. e super

    te pup!

  3. Nu m-as fi gandit sa fac un astfel de coc, cred ca merge si un accesoriu frumos pus dedesubt. Esti tare angelica in ultima fotografie <3

  4. Imi place cum ai abordat tu tematica aceasta. Pozele sunt foarte reusite. Pupici:*

  5. Foarte frumos arata dormitorul tau:). Merci de coafura:D

  6. Ce dragute sunt unghiutele ! Si ami ales ale nepoatei :D

  7. Awesome pics and I love your blog!

  8. ce unghiute frumoasee <3 si ce dormitoor super ai <3

  9. Love this
    Your blog is great too, going back to check out past posts now!
    Would you like to follow each other on GFC??


    Ohhh by the way we have a great giveaway on at the moment!

  10. Îmi place cum ţi-a ieşit părul. Arată foarte interesant.

  11. Imi place mult cum ti-ai aranjat parul! Manichiura cu verde e tare simpatica! :) Sa-ti traiasca nepotica!

  12. Great post honey, I love how you did your hair <3

    I would be so grateful if you wouldn't mind liking my new facebook page:

  13. Imi place coafura!

    Have a great week!


    New post - Bonton Look!

  14. Love thi manicure but i favorite others colors! I follow you baby!!! ;)

  15. Thanks for your comment! love your blog! we can follow each other if you want! i already follow you! i hope you follow me back :D
    Great post!

  16. Lovely pictures! I like your hairstyle :)

  17. Amazing nails!
    Hugs from New York,
    Ask Erena

  18. Love the bun, sweetheart! You look gorgeous! Someone else added a nail striping tape to their nails similar to yours and look amazing too :) Perhaps we could follow eachother? Let me know <3

    Glam Mania...!!

  19. Thank you dear! Just followed you back!
    hugs from New York,
    Ask Erena

  20. awh, you and your niece are so cute!!! you guys have matching nail polish designs. i also really like the hidden bun look. i'm definitely going to try that once my hair starts to grow.

    Want to win a $30 coupon to Chicnova? Come and enter here! :D


  21. Great nails, so cool!

    You have a very nice blog! Would you like to follow each other?

  22. WOW pretty nails! great idea! :) im your new follower, would you like to follow me back? :)

  23. i love the nail designs!


  24. I absolutely adore this,honey!Wow!Rocking it!;)

  25. love the hidden bun toturial!!!!! thanks for sharing. hate doing the same bun look everyone is doing lately

    ZARA gift card giveaway for $400 on

  26. amazing pictures!! love the effects!! I am hosting a CHOIES giveaway in my blog and I would love to cordially invite you to join it!! It would make me super happy to see you in my blog:)) One big kiss!


  27. tare draguta! imi place manichiura si coafura! puppppp

  28. Love your nail art & hairstyle.
    More than that love the pearl & rosette necklace! :)
    Came here blog hopping and liked your blog!
    Do drop by my blog sometime.
    And do follow via GFC & FB, if you like and let me know with a comment! :)

  29. Coafura este incredibil de usor de facut si arata wow!
    Imi place tematica de toamna cum ai transpus-o in lumea ta:camera,unghii.

    Nice camera by the way!


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Orice parere cu bun simt este binevenita!


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