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Se afișează postări cu eticheta ProdigyRed

I start 2013 with an gold and black dress

Rochie something similar buy here green makeup Ca de obicei Revelionul l-am petrecut acasa, ca e acasa la socri, acasa acolo unde locuim in acea perioada, acasa la prieteni, ne place intr-un spatiu intim, calduros, unde ma pot intinde, retrage cand simt nevoia. Sunt persoane pe care statul in picioare, in aer liber, nu le deranjeaza, unii adora petrecerea din cadrul unui restaurant iar singurul efort pe care-l fac cu ocazia asta este sa se aranjeze pentru eveniment, ceea ce nu e rau dar nu e pe gustul meu. Fumatul in aceeasi incapere cu nefumatorii si riscul de a avea vreo criza de spate fiind in anotimpul "chinurilor" si implicit nu am unde si cum sa ma intind, ma determina sa aleg in continuare petrecerile in cadrul restrans, acasa. Pentru mine nu e Revelion, fara muzica si dans, un pahar de vin. Mancarea, artificile sunt optionale, fix in ordinea asta. Imi place sa dansez pana cand nu mai pot si apoi sa ma retrag in dormitor. Din

2nd giveaway - ProdigyRed

Hey everyone! There's a good news for all my About women and not only readers. , an online fashion retailing brand bringing its customers fast fashion and high street looks at incredible value for money prices by sourcing directly from manufacturers both in the UK and overseas, was kind enough to sponsor a giveaway for all my followers! If you aren't a follower you are welcome too, don't miss out this chance and enter as soon as possible! Open Internationally and will end on 10/12/2012 on my birthday! RULES: 1. Tell me your favorite item which you want to win. 2. Must be a follower on GFC and FB page . 3.Must be a ProdigyRed's follower on  FB page and Twitter. 4. The winner has 48 hours to reply; in the event she do not, a new winner will be chosen. 5. You can earn many extra entries! This is a Rafflecopter giveaway so it's really simple to enter! a Rafflecopter giveaway Calde salutari! Astazi va anunt foarte bucuroasa 
