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Firmoo International Giveaway !

Hello people today I came with good news!!!! 
A super new International Giveaway for you from my favorite glasses shop Firmoo, you can read my review here. Most of you have already heard about this online store, which has a great variety of glasses & sunglasses, even computer glasses, with lots of frames: nerdy, elegant, rock, chic, vintage like, with good prices!
Prizes are: a pair of eyeglasses and (or) 6 designer glasses vouchers
1. If there are 30- competitors:
The winners will win a $30 designer glasses voucher each, shipping not included. The vouchers only can be used on those designer glasses at Each person can use the voucher only once.
2. If there are 30+ competitors:
For the first prize winner (1 person): a pair of fashionable eyeglasses, both prescription & non-prescription are available, shipping included. Designer glasses and sunglasses are not available to choose. If the winner wants to have sunnies, she/he is able to choose to tint the eyeglasses lenses.
For the second prize winners: same with the prizes when there are less than 30 competitors participated.
The giveaway is open internationally, for everybody: boys and girls, but the winners have to be located in theirs area delivery. Please visit to get the countries list.

Rules - entries via rafflecopter:
1. GFC follower of this blog
2. Facebook fan on About women and not only & Firmoo
3. Leave a comment with glasses you'd love to have from Firmoo
4. Share on Facebook
Additional entries:
     Tweet this giveaway
     Subscribe by e-mail
     Bloglovin follower
This contest ends on next Friday 22/2/2013. Thank you Firmoo for sponsoring!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. interesting product. lemme check it out.

  2. Normally I don´t need giveaways but your offer sounds very interesting to me because I´m wearing daily glasses ...


  3. GFC-Butterfly
    FB Hany Petty
    Perechea Preferata:

  4. I hadn't actually heard of this store, but thanks for introducing it to me. I wear glasses when I cant be bothered to put in my contact lenses!


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