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♥ If you...

If you were a boat, my darling
A boat, my darling
I'd be the wind at your back
If you were afraid, my darling
Afraid, my darling
I'd be the courage you lack

If you were a bird, then I'd be a tree
And you would come home, my darling to me
If you were asleep, then I'd be a dream
Wherever you are, that's where my heart will be

Oh, do you know we belong together?
Oh, do you know my heart is Yours?

If you were the ocean, I'd be the sand
If you were a song, I'd be the band
If you were the stars, then I'd be the moon
A light in the dark, my darling for

Daca doresti sa participi, publica pe blogul tau, o melodie  preferata de care tocmai ti-ai amintit si vrei sa o impartasesti cu noi si inscrie articolul la "Meloman pentru o zi"! Daca vrei sa o faci cunoscuta si altora, creaza pe blogul tau un link spre aceasta postare.
Te poti inscrie pe

Romwe “Rose D” flash sale, only 24 hours!
$19.99 only, with original price $39.99, on 26th November!
500 pieces, but size M is only 200 pieces!
4507 customers have already added “Rose D” to their shopping bag, so adding it into your shopping bag in advance, and then you can pay directly when it begins just in case it's sold out.
24 hours only!
Don’t miss, girls!!!
Go >>
And a special coupon for you, my lovely fans, on 26th Nov. to buy “Rose D” : 10%offrosed


  1. Beautiful and romantic.

  2. Love the very sweet last paragraph.

  3. <3 Beautiful !!
    Seamana cu un lullaby!
    xoxo zi faina!

  4. Mihaela, this song is so sweet and beautiful, love also the lyrics. Have a good day my dear, kisses! xo

  5. Love your blog! XOXO

  6. Dragut:x Mi'a placut mult melodia :)

  7. foarte frumoasa melodia :)

  8. Awwww so sweet and wonderful hun!


  9. Hi sweet Mihaela,
    I love this song, It's so romantic ;)
    PS: you're so sweet with me THANK YOU so much <3 <3
    The Indian Savage Diary

  10. Ce piesa frumoasa si linistitoare. Iar versurile parca mi-ar fi citit sufletul... :)

  11. I just love this song!
    Miss Margaret Cruzemark

  12. Ce blandut canta! Relaxanta melodie!
    Te pupacesc, Mihule!

    Lavender Thoughts

  13. Ce piesa minunata, ma faci sa astept martea sa vad ce mai descopar minunat!

  14. Such a sweet post!!!

    Thanks for the comment!
    Of course I want us to follow each other. Followed you with GFC!! Wating fot you to follow back!!

    Let me know if you want us to follow each other on bloglovin or fb as well!!


  15. N-am mai ascultat de mult o melodie romantica in stilul asta. M-a linistit :)

  16. Lovely song! :)
    as you told me, we can follow each other! just let me know if you do it! ;)
    NL. <3

  17. Very touching song! I love it.

  18. hmmm.... this is so weird, I really do not know the song...but it sounds really familiar!!! It is beautiful :) Thanks for sharing the romwe flash sale!!! Will check it out :D
    Congrats on winning the & Other Stories giveaway!!! I sent u an email.... could you send me you address to :)



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