De cu seara suvita cu suvita rula meticulos parul pentru ziua urmatoare, Ariadna, fata cu parul roscat si cu gusturi old-fashion. Geamurile erau larg deschise si aerul ce impingea draperiile vaporoase odata cu mirosul de tei racorea camera inalta. Atmosfera era calma si plina de visare, Ariadna dansa in mintea ei valsul de demult sub norul parfumului aplicat dupa baia de mai devreme. Nici nu auzea suierul dezlantuit al ceainicului.
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Rochia de bal a ales-o acum cateva luni in urma, ce ar putea face seara mai memorabila decat sa porti o rochie eleganta care sa te faca sa fii in centrul atentiei. Pornind de culorile preferate si stilurile de rochie care i se potrivesc intr-un final a ales-o si o lasa in mister pana in momentul in care al ei partener va veni ca sa o ieie, se stinsese lumina.
A doua zi dupa cateva telefoane, haine aruncate pe patul nefacut, alergand desculta prin casa sa aranjeze camera de la parter de primit oaspeti si apoi se cocota in pat pentru cateva ore in rezolvarea unor acte.
Veni timpul sa se imbrace, isi aranja parul, machiajul si ultimele detalii cand soneria anunta prezenta lui Alexandru. Ca deobicei alerga desculta si amandoi amutira cand usa se deschisese. Aratau ca Sisi si Franz Joseph, amandoi frumosi radiau dincolo de rochia alba. Inalt, la costum, Alex avea papionul de un rosu burgund asortat la rujul ei. S-au imbratisat indelung si apoi ii facu ei un semn sa se aseze sa o ajute cu pantofii. Chicoti ca un copil mereu pus pe sotii si ii spusese ca va fi o noapte magica.
Cu toate ca rochiile de astazi nu se incadreaza in gusturile ei, a reusit sa gaseasca una care sa se apropie si in care sa se simta bine.
Care rochie credeti ca se potriveste mai bine povestii de astazi dintre rochiile albe de bal prezentate de pe Persunmall?
In the evening, strand by strand meticulously rolling the hair for the next day, Ariadna, the reddish haired girl with old-fashion taste. The windows were wide opened and the air is pushed the vaporous drapes along with linden tree scent cooling off the high room. The atmosphere was calm and dreaming, Ariadna dancing in her mind the old waltz under a cloud of perfume applied after the earlier bath. Nor heard the teapot whistling.
She was preparing for the major ball, for meetings with her love and maybe the only opportunity to participate and dance to such a fascinating event. The prom dress has been chosed a couple months ago, what could make the evening more memorable when wearing an elegant dress that will make you be the center of attention. Starting from favorite colors and styles of dress that fit her, finally picked it up and leaves it in mystery when her partner will come... the lights in the house had been closed.
The day after a few phone calls, clothes thrown on the bed unmade, running barefoot through the house to arrange the room on the ground floor for guests and then returning in bed for several hours in resolving some papers.
The time had come to dress, fix her hair, makeup and the latest details when bell announces the presence of Alexander. As always run barefoot... both fell silent when the door is opened. Looks like Sisi and Franz Joseph, both radiated beyond the beautiful white dress. High in costume, Alex had a burgundy bow tie matched her lipstick to. They hugged her long and then, striking a sign to sit down to help with the shoes. She giggled like a child as always playful and told it will be a magical night.
Although today's the dresses do not fit into her tastes, managed to find one that is coming and they feel good.
She was preparing for the major ball, for meetings with her love and maybe the only opportunity to participate and dance to such a fascinating event. The prom dress has been chosed a couple months ago, what could make the evening more memorable when wearing an elegant dress that will make you be the center of attention. Starting from favorite colors and styles of dress that fit her, finally picked it up and leaves it in mystery when her partner will come... the lights in the house had been closed.
The day after a few phone calls, clothes thrown on the bed unmade, running barefoot through the house to arrange the room on the ground floor for guests and then returning in bed for several hours in resolving some papers.
The time had come to dress, fix her hair, makeup and the latest details when bell announces the presence of Alexander. As always run barefoot... both fell silent when the door is opened. Looks like Sisi and Franz Joseph, both radiated beyond the beautiful white dress. High in costume, Alex had a burgundy bow tie matched her lipstick to. They hugged her long and then, striking a sign to sit down to help with the shoes. She giggled like a child as always playful and told it will be a magical night.
Although today's the dresses do not fit into her tastes, managed to find one that is coming and they feel good.
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Which Persunmall dress from this white prom dresses presented do you think fits better with my story?
Din cele 7 rochii albe imi place nr 5 , din cele 4 imi place nr 1 :)
RăspundețiȘtergereCategoric votez cu cele din poza de jos, iar daca ar fi sa imbrac una, as alege nr. 1 sau nr. 3.. cu inclinatie spre nr. 3..
RăspundețiȘtergereAdor rochițele albe ! Îmi place a doua din stânga :)
RăspundețiȘtergeredin cele 4 de jos as alege dar nu stiu daca 1, 3 sau 4 <3
RăspundețiȘtergereDaca tot ai pomenit de printesa Sisi, e clar ca a doua serie de rochii corespunde povestii tale. Imi place cea cu rosu si talia sub sani.
RăspundețiȘtergerebun punct de vedere ;)
ȘtergereEu as alege nr. 4 din prima serie. Cu siguranta este altfel si iesi in evidenta cu o astfel de rochie.
RăspundețiȘtergere:) Intru si eu in povestea ta si optez pentru nr 7 din primul colaj si nr 3 din cel de-al doilea!
RăspundețiȘtergerePupici, Mihule!
O seara frumoasa!
Lavender Thoughts
lovely ;)
RăspundețiȘtergereMie imi plac toate la nebunie, dar cel mai mult nr 1 din primul colaj.
RăspundețiȘtergereAh, ce frumos ai povestit! :)
RăspundețiȘtergereRochia 4 din prima serie e preferata mea.
Vai, cat sunt de frumoase! Cel mai mult imi plac cele din a doua sectiune, mai ales cea cu imprimeu rosu si brau brodat cu margele. Este absolut superba!
RăspundețiȘtergereM-am indragostit de rochita nr 5 din prima serie. Sexy si atat de eleganta... Wow!
RăspundețiȘtergereDin cea de-a doua serie rochita nr 2 este speciala. Atat de frumoasa... Love it. :)
So beautiful selection!
RăspundețiȘtergereamazing dresses!
Va multumesc :)
RăspundețiȘtergereI love n. 1! What a romantic story you wrote!
Coco et La vie en rose
Coco et La vie en rose on Bloglovin
Coco et La vie en rose on Facebook
These dresses are absolutely exquisite!Thanks for stopping by sweety!
RăspundețiȘtergereCe rochite frumoase ai ales :X
i love the story very interesting. Cute dresses too
Din prima serie, aş zice rochia 1 sau cea din mijloc.
RăspundețiȘtergereCe poveste frumoasa ai compus. <3
RăspundețiȘtergere7, 3 si 4 ar fi alegerile mele.
They have quite the collection of beautiful dresses:)!
RăspundețiȘtergereDaca tot e Sissi, cred ca prima tochie din al doilea colaj a ales-o!
RăspundețiȘtergereZi faina! :))
Cea din mijloc, din primul colaj e cea la care m-am gandit eu;)
RăspundețiȘtergereBuna Mihaela!
RăspundețiȘtergereToate rochiile sunt grozave...dar consider ca rochia aleasa de personajul feminin al povestii tale este prima rochie din colajul nr2
Te pup si sa ai o dupa-amiaza excelenta!
wow, i love this beautiful collection!
RăspundețiȘtergerelove it
brazilian greetings
So beautiful dresses - they all are very very special! Love from Munich,
Vai, superbe rochii!
RăspundețiȘtergereGreat selection...
RăspundețiȘtergereOh, so so gorgeous. I am just so addicted to all this elegance! These white gowns are sensational.
RăspundețiȘtergereMiss Margaret Cruzemark